Google Achieved Quantum Supremacy! - Tech of Today

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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Google Achieved Quantum Supremacy!

Google Achieved Quantum SupremacyFinally, We Can See The dream About Quantum Computers.

Get Ready to see the new computer world. Now from here going to the beginning of the computers revolution 
At the last weak google announced that they achieved the ‘ milestone supremacy ‘ in the journal Nature, these quantum computer refers to the ability to make the calculation much faster than a supercomputer

First, you have to know about what is quantum computers?

Quantum computers is a computer that has the ability to perform much faster than supercomputers. quantum computers can calculate the much longer calculation in seconds which the same task to take thousands of year to calculate  by a supercomputer . “ we can say a collection of thousands of supercomputers " is known as quantum computers 

In its nature paper google estimate that its sampling calculation - the one that takes 3 minutes 20 seconds sycamore(This is the one type of chip)- would take 10,000 years by 100000 conventional computers to do that same task. quantum computers have the fastest running algorithm.

Here from the start that racing to building to the quantum computer between IBM and google . and also other companies are in this racing. here IBM has been already created the 52 qubits" powerful machine for quantum computers but now google create the power for 72 qubit device that is much powerful than IBM's

What happens If we create the quantum computers then we can't imagine how easy to become our works .the task can be performed in seconds which takes thousands of year to complete it. the quantum computers will also help chemists and materials scientists. Simulating quantum mechanics and etc.

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